Kate's Story

Kate's Story

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Kate, who lives in the North West, has spoken to Jorvik Tricycles to share her experience with her adult tricycle and how it has improved both her physical and mental health.


Why did Kate buy an adult tricycle?

In 2010, Kate was diagnosed with an immune disorder which attacked her muscles. This has left her muscles permanently weakened. Not long after her diagnosis, she suffered a severe DVT, leaving her with a lot of pain in her legs.

Before this, Kate led an active lifestyle. She and her husband particularly enjoyed cycling together. They had planned to spend more time away in their motor home during their retirement. They’d dreamed of exploring and cycling around new places in the UK and Europe.

After suffering from health issues, this felt far from feasible. She was unable to walk very far for around 8 years and relied on a mobility scooter to help her get around. Although the scooter enabled her to get out and about, she still wasn’t able to stay very active or do any exercise. Kate had previously used an exercise bike to try to keep active but found this too uncomfortable.


How did Kate find out about Jorvik Tricycles?

They first came across an electric tricycle when they were abroad. Upon their return from their holiday, they began researching what electric trikes were available in the UK and came across Jorvik Tricycles.

As Jorvik’s showroom wasn’t too far away from them, they booked in for a visit! Kate wanted to test-ride the tricycles to make sure she could manage it. Our friendly customer service team were able to talk through our different tricycles with her and show her exactly how to ride an adult tricycle.

‘’Jorvik’s knowledge of different disabilities and mobility issues was reassuring. It made me feel much more comfortable and confident in my decision to go with a Jorvik Tricycle’’

Since buying her electric tricycle, Kate and her husband are now able to enjoy cycling together again. Their plan to spend their retirement travelling across Europe exploring and cycling now doesn’t feel so unachievable!


How has an adult tricycle helped Kate?

Kate has also enjoyed being able to do some gentle exercise on her tricycle. Kate explained that cycling is particularly beneficial for her as it is good for her circulation to prevent DVT, and it also helps her maintain her remaining muscle strength in her legs. She also finds the upright position you need to sit in on a tricycle is also much more comfortable than sitting on an exercise bike!

As well as the health benefits of her adult tricycle, Kate has found it has been amazing for her self-esteem.

‘’I feel more involved and more normal! People regularly admire the trike, which never happened when I rode around on my mobility scooter! I hardly use my mobility scooter anymore as I’m much preferring the tricycle. It has literally changed my life!''


When Kate and her husband are holidaying in their motorhome, the tricycle is like another mode of transport. On their most recent holiday to France, Kate did a total of 100km in short rides! They also found lots of off-road cycle routes with lovely scenery and great stop-off spots for lunch and coffee.

‘’It is quite frightening when you haven’t cycled for years and your life has been so restricted by a disability. It felt strange at first, but as soon as you get used to it, a tricycle will change your life! A wonderful feeling of freedom!''


If you're loving your adult tricycle and want to share your experience with Jorvik Tricycles, drop us a message on Instagram (@JorvikTricycles). 

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