Spring is nearly here! 6 ways to get your tricycle ready for Spring

Spring is nearly here! 6 ways to get your tricycle ready for Spring

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The days have started to get longer, and the weather is getting slightly warmer. This means it’s time to get your tricycle ready for some sunny spring and summer cycling.

It’s recommended you service your tricycle once a year and now is a good time to do so! Whether you’re washing it down after a wet and rainy winter, or you’re pulling your tricycle out of storage it’s important to do these simple checks on your tricycle.

6 simple tips to get your tricycle ready for spring and summer:

1. Check your tyre pressure

Whether you’ve been out on your tricycle over the winter or it has been sat in storage over the Winter you’re going to want to check the pressure of each wheel. Inflate the tyres on your Jorvik Tricycle to the pressure embossed on the sidewall. Improper tyre pressure will make riding your tricycle much more difficult and cause excessive wear on the tyre.

2.  Check your brakes

If you’ve braved the wind, rain and snow this Winter it's important to check your brakes as the wet weather can hinder the performance of your brakes. It’s also important to check your brake levers, cables and pads to ensure that they aren’t worn away or damaged and are working properly.

If they aren’t in proper working order then replace them immediately! Riding your tricycle with worn or damaged brake cables or pads can result in you losing control of your tricycle.

3. Checking your chains. 

Give your tricycle a good hose down before checking your chains, especially if you've been out cycling over the Winter. Get rid of all the mud, dirt and grit from around the chain and check the tension. Check that it hasn't stretched as a chain too loose could come off while cycling. 

4. Double-check any attachments

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken your tricycle for a spin, it’s important to make sure all your attachments are still attached properly. For example, check that any trailers, mirrors, baskets or kids' seats are still in good condition and firmly attached.

It’s also important to check your own seat before heading back out on your tricycle. Ensure it’s in the correct position and comfortable for your sunny rides this spring and summer.

5. Check your lights

It is a legal requirement for cyclists to have lights on the front and back of their tricycles and reflectors on the wheels and pedals. We would therefore advise checking this is all in check before setting off on the road.

6. Give your tricycle a proper clean

Whether you’ve taken your tricycle out on the road, through tougher terrain or your tricycle has been kept in storage over Winter now is a good time to give it a proper clean. Although you may have enjoyed splashing through muddy puddles on your winter rides, it’s time for a bit of tricycle TLC!

Any dirt or grit left on your tricycle can start to damage the moving components. Try using mild detergent, warm water and a brush to get all that dirt off and leave your tricycle looking brand new!


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