Wendy's Story

Wendy's Story

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A member of the Jorvik community shared how her electric tricycle not only helped her during a difficult period in her life but also continues to improve her physical and mental well-being.

Why did Wendy buy an electric adult trike?

Wendy loved to ride her bike as a young child and continued cycling into her adult years. However, when she was diagnosed 2 years ago with breast cancer, the treatment hindered her ability to continue cycling.

When she was first diagnosed, she managed to continue cycling but only for short distances. Unfortunately, when she started chemo she became quite poorly and she wasn’t able to cycle for a while.

The effects of the chemo have left Wendy with nerve damage; she struggled with lots of pain in her right leg and was unable to put any weight on it. She was told she would need to build up her strength again, but at the time she was no longer able to continue cycling on a traditional bike.

Fortunately, that was when she came across Jorvik Tricycles, the perfect solution for her rehabilitation!

Why did Wendy choose a Jorvik Tricycles?

Wendy first saw an advert online for an adult trike. Eager to find out whether an electric adult trike would be her solution to cycling again, she made an appointment to visit the Jorvik showroom.

After being shown our different adult trikes, their features and how to ride an adult tricycle, she purchased her three-wheel bike there and then!

‘’Jorvik’s tricycles stood out for me because of the 1-2-1 service you offered in the showroom. Jorvik’s trikes also felt very solid and comfortable when I test-rode one.’’

Wendy was so excited to rediscover her freedom and improve her mental well-being that as soon as her adult trike was delivered and built, she was off!

How has an electric three-wheel bike helped Wendy?

Wendy struggled with depression during her treatment as she was unable to get outside and enjoy her cycling. She felt a great sense of relief when she found Jorvik Tricycles and knew she’d be able to relish in the joys of cycling again.

‘’As soon as my trike was delivered and built, I did one mile with the biggest smile on my face and I was so very happy!’’

She spoke of how much her mental health has improved since being able to cycle again. A three-wheeled bike provides a more stable cycling solution, making it easier for Wendy to stay active despite her nerve damage.

‘’For people looking to purchase a Jorvik Tricycle, they’re worth the investment. It’s also worth a trip to the showroom to go and try one out - you will not be disappointed.’’

What are her future plans with her electric trike?

Wendy feels as though she has her life back! Her and her wife are able to enjoy cycling together again – something they’d always loved to do.

Wendy now plans to purchase a tricycle carrier for her car. With this, she and her wife can go on cycling trips to the countryside again. They’re especially excited about the numerous picnics they’ll be able to indulge in on their cycling days out.

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