How to safely secure your trike

How to safely secure your trike

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A trike is an investment and should be secured as such. For many, it’s their main mode of transport, and to lose it to theft would be devastating. Sadly, crime happens everywhere so when looking for somewhere to move, consider the crime rates of the local area to minimise the chances of being robbed.


Thieves aren’t always dressed in all black, wearing balaclavas and lurking in the shadows of the night. They can be anyone, operating as a professional or opportunist thief. Professional thieves will watch you for a few days, learn your routine, and wait for the perfect opportunity to arise. An opportunist thief doesn’t always go out with the intention of stealing, but rather sees a chance to steal and acts on it.


Research from ONS found between April 2019 to March 2020 there were 307 bike thefts, 323 fewer than the decade prior. 27 of the thefts occurred due to the owner not thinking about or not getting round to locking their trikes up, 13 admitted to not owning a lock, 26 said they didn’t think to lock it up as it was secured in a safe area, and 8 said it’s too much trouble.


There were 88,299 recorded pedal cycle thefts in the UK between 2019 to 2020, 21,548 fewer than the decade prior. Does all of this suggest thefts of trikes are on the decline? Why? People have become more aware and are taking extra precautions to protect their belongings.


Safety at home
Keep your trike in a safe, secure place such as the garage or shed. Lock it a floor lock, so should someone break into either of them and try to steal your trike, they’ll struggle and hopefully give up.


Where you choose to lock your trike plays a huge role in security. Lock it up on a heavily populated, well-lit street and in good view of a security camera if possible.


Lancaster, Exeter, Bradford, Brighton & Hove, and Swansea have been named the 5 safest UK cities to cycle in. Bradford is one of the safest places to leave your bike unattended, recording 1 theft for every 1,934 people living in Bradford.


Easy to steal items

Detach any accessories you’ve attached to your bike such as a bell, speed monitor, reflective lights, mirrors etc. The low risk of stealing these items makes them more appealing to thieves.


Invest in a strong lock

There’s an array of locks available, all offering different levels of security for your trikes. Our advice would be you don’t have to break the bank, but do invest in a sturdy, thick bike lock. Use a stronger bike lock when leaving your trike unattended for hours at a time e.g., during work, and a lightweight lock when you know you’ll be back in 5 minutes.


Secure your wheels

Jorvik Tricycle wheels aren’t quick release, they’re bolted onto the frame making them much harder to quickly detach and steal. However, this isn’t a deterrent for some thieves. Weave your lock through the spindles and attach it to a solid structure that can’t be moved, deterring even the best of thieves.


What to do if your trike is stolen
If you suspect your trike to have been stolen, contact the police immediately and ask to file a report. If it’s been stolen from your home, you may be asked to hand over any CCTV footage and provide photos, and your version of events.

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