Susanne's Story

Susanne's Story

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Our folding tricycles are perfect for road trips as they’re able to fold down to fit in your car easier. We recently spoke with Susanne, who lives in Australia, about how she’s getting on with her folding trike and where she’s managed to adventure to with her tricycle!

Susanne has always enjoyed cycling and previously had a fold-up bike. After falling off her two-wheel bike a couple of times in one day, she broke her femur and needed a hip replacement. Following her accident, Susanne struggled to find the confidence to get back out on her bike. She didn’t want to stop cycling so began looking at adult tricycles and what ones were available in Australia.

Unfortunately, she quickly found that there was no adult tricycles suitable for her available in Australia. She needed one that was able to fold down so it could be easily stored and transported to come on road trips with her. Jorvik Tricycles were the only folding tricycles she came across. After contacting the team at Jorvik and explaining her situation they were able to organise shipping to Australia.

She loves her folding tricycle and has newfound confidence when cycling. Jorvik Tricycles three-wheel bikes are designed to provide extra stability and balance to prevent people from falling off while riding.

‘’I never would have had the confidence to cycle again after my accident if it wasn’t for my trike! Jorvik should open a branch in Australia!’’

Learning how to ride an adult tricycle is very easy, however, when you first ride a tricycle you may feel slightly off-balance when turning corners. After a little bit of practice, you’ll get the hang of it in no time! Other features such as a low-step through sturdy frame and a wide comfortable seat can also reduce the risk of falling off your adult tricycle.

Susanne and her husband love to cycle along the seafront, admiring the beautiful Australian beaches. She constantly has people stopping her along the way to admire her adult tricycle and ask her where they can get one! Susanne also loves the convenience of being able to take her folding tricycle with her when she goes to stay at the caravan.

If you’re struggling to cycle on a two-wheel bike and want extra stability and confidence when cycling, check out our range of three-wheel electric bikes.

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