Tricycle Tips: How to use an electric tricycle

Tricycle Tips: How to use an electric tricycle

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You ride an electric tricycle the same as you would a classic tricycle. E-trikes offer all the same benefits as cycling but with the additional support of the pedal assist. Regardless of strength and fitness level, you’ll be able to ride further for longer and tackle hills with ease.

If you’re thinking of buying an electric tricycle, or you’ve just purchased one and you’re not sure how they work, here is everything you need to know about how to use an electric tricycle. 


How to ride an electric tricycle and use pedal assist:

1. Check the battery is switched on – the key should be turned to the ‘on’ position)

2. Press the power button on the control panel to turn it on, the screen should light up

3. Either select auto and the level of pedal assist will be dependent on how much you’re pedalling, or choose the level of assistance you require using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘

4. Start to pedal and the pedal assist will kick in automatically – once you pedal at a speed of 5ph the motor will start to assist you to the maximum speed (25kph)


When should I use the pedal assist?

Whenever you like! But, if you want to prolong battery life, then try to use the right mode at the right time.

If you require pedal assist at all times, for example, if you don’t have strength in your legs for cycling, then, by all means, have it on the whole time you’re cycling.

However, if you’re cycling with electric only and at maximum speed for long periods of time, the battery won’t last long. Switching through different levels of pedal assist dependent on the terrain and conditions works best for maximum battery efficiency. So, on flat and smooth surfaces turn it down, but for hills and tougher terrain turn it up to support your cycling. 


How to charge the battery on an electric tricycle:

1. You’re able to charge the battery when it’s on or off the tricycle, it’s up to you

2. Insert the charger into the charge port on the battery

3. The LED light on your electric trike will change from green to red to indicate it’s charging

4. Once the battery is fully charged the LED light will turn back to green


How to prolong the battery life of your electric tricycle:

  • Fully charge the battery

When your new electric trike is delivered the battery will only be semi-charged. You’ll need to charge it to its full capacity before its first use. The first three times you charge the battery, charge it for 12 hours. Even after these first three times, try to always fully charge the battery each time – this should take around 6-8 hours.

  • Avoid stopping and starting on your cycle

When riding your e-trike, coasting along is better than stopping and starting all the time. So, try to look ahead and slow down if you can see you may need to stop.

  • Don't solely rely on pedal assist

Try not to rely too much on the pedal assist to save battery life. When riding uphill or against the wind, try to continue supplementing battery power with pedalling.

  • Charge battery if not in use for long periods of time

When storing the battery, for example, if it’s not in use over the winter, then you’ll still need to remove the battery and recharge it every month to prolong the battery life.


What’s the maximum speed of an e-trike?

In line with EAPC regulations, the pedal assist on your electric tricycle will have a maximum speed of 25kph.


Are electric tricycles legal in the UK?

All our 250w models are road-legal and are classed as a bicycle. Our 500w models are designed for private land use with permission only.


If you want tips on how to ride an adult tricycle, check out our previous Tricycle Tips.

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