Tricycle Tips: Riding an electric tricycle on the road

Tricycle Tips: Riding an electric tricycle on the road

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Riding an electric tricycle is an exhilarating way to travel, offering a unique blend of stability, comfort, and eco-friendliness. However, navigating the roadways on three wheels is a little different compared to traditional cycling.

At Jorvik Tricycles, we champion safe and enjoyable riding experiences. So, if you're contemplating taking your electric trike for a spin on the roads, here are essential tips to ensure a safe journey.

Tips When Cycling Your Electric Trike on a Road:

  • Be Wary of Your Width: Electric tricycles offer a stable ride thanks to their three-wheel design. However, this means they also have a wider profile. Always be conscious of your trike's width, especially when navigating through traffic or narrow lanes.
  • Tricycle Indicators: All our trikes come with hard-wired lights but it's beneficial to add indicators so you can inform road users behind which way you're turning
  • Mirrors: Install and use mirrors to maintain a comprehensive awareness of your surroundings. This simple addition can significantly enhance your road safety by allowing you to see vehicles approaching from behind.
  • Stay Visible: Being seen is crucial for safety, particularly during early mornings, late evenings, or foggy conditions. Wear high-visibility jackets or bands and make sure you engage your lights.
  • Helmets: Always wear a helmet. While this is a fundamental rule for all cyclists, it's worth reiterating. A helmet can dramatically reduce the risk of head injuries in an accident.
  • Stick to Cycle Lanes Where Possible: Cycle lanes are your best friend. They're specifically designed for cyclists, offering a safer pathway and reducing interaction with motor vehicles.
  • Choose Your Route Wisely: Opt for quieter routes or those you're familiar with, especially during your initial rides. Familiarity breeds confidence and safety.

Can Anyone Ride an Electric Tricycle?

In the UK, the freedom to ride an electric bike or trike starts at 14. No licence, registration, tax, or insurance is needed, making electric tricycles an accessible and hassle-free mode of transport. However, ensuring that your trike is road-legal is crucial. All Jorvik electric trikes (250w) meet these legal requirements, offering peace of mind alongside unmatched performance.

Electric trikes open up a world of possibilities for riders of all abilities, blending the joy of cycling with the practical benefits of electric assistance and stability. Whether you're looking for leisurely rides or an aid for your daily commute, understanding and following the UK's road rules will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Explore our range of road-legal electric trikes and embark on your next journey with confidence.

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