Tricycle Tips: Where can I ride my tricycle?

Tricycle Tips: Where can I ride my tricycle?

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Adult tricycles are very similar to bicycles in many ways, the most obvious difference being the two rear wheels. Although adult tricycles’ rear wheels are wider than a traditional bicycle, your three-wheel bike can be ridden in a lot of the same places as a two-wheel bike. For example:

• Paved roads

• Cycle lanes

• Parks

• Off-road cycle trails

This makes adult tricycles an extremely versatile mode of transport. For example, they can be used for leisurely cycle rides, commuting, and exercising. Jorvik Tricycles also all come with rear cargo storage so they have the capability to carry food shopping, run errands and transport small items. If you want to transport larger items, there is also a trike trailer that hooks onto the back of our mountain trike range.

Regardless of where you’re cycling, when first riding a tricycle it’s easy to forget that the widest part of the tricycle is always behind you. Over time you’ll develop an eye for your whole tricycle, knowing where you’re able to squeeze through and where you won’t fit through.

Additionally, be aware of how much of the road or cycle lane you’re taking up when cycling. Motorists should quickly be able to see your tricycle is much wider than a traditional bicycle and give you enough space to pass you, but be cautious. Cycle lanes are also wide enough for an adult tricycle, but as you will take up more of the cycle lane be wary of other cyclists trying to pass you.

If you’re taking your mountain trike on gravel or dirt or on off-road routes, you should know how to keep yourself safe while off-road cycling. This means wearing appropriate clothing, regularly checking and maintaining your tricycle, riding within your skill level, knowing how to balance an adult tricycle and taking safety precautions with you.

All electric tricycles that do not meet EAPC regulations must be used only on private land. Electric tricycles must have a maximum power output of 250 watts and should not propel the tricycle when travelling more than 25kph. This means our electric tricycle JET-E range and our 250-watt mountain tricycles are all road safe and legal.

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